Some people catch dreams, I catch moments. I am the moment catcher, and if there is a insignificant moment going on around me, I catch it and turn it into something grand. I also have a gift for catching creepers. If you are a creep, you find your way next to my seat. If you are depressed, lonely, suffering from hunger pains and just want a penny to maybe buy yourself a delicious crumb, you find your way next to me. If you haven’t seen a female in all your life and feel the need to express your love for the female sex, you find your way next to my seat.
But the reverse is true too. If you are doing something creepy and intriguing, I find my way towards you, so I can dissect your creepy behavior. I’m basically like Sherlock Holmes, except I don’t have a case, so I make one up as I stare at you.
It’s basically that me and creepey have a give and take relationship. They give me material and a way to kill my boredom, and they take from me, well they take what I’ll give them. Some days all I give them is an avoidance of eye contact. But, on my giving days, I’ll give them my left over’s or a touch of an encouraging smile.
This particular evening, was the eve of another non significant day. I was on my way home from work, and forgot to bring a book on the subway. I pull out my pad, thinking I’ll just look around and write a story about someone and then put it on my blog.
Ok, so there’s an asian woman sitting near me. She’s not really giving me anything, not a twitch, nothing.
The train has stopped, it’s around midnight, and no one is giving me any material. Until, suddenly a balding Indian man starts humming. I wish technology would advance and I could add in a sound cue right here. And he is rocking and humming, and I am smiling and scrambling words down on the paper, “ Perfect, do something else!” I thought I hit blog gold, but just when I thought he was going for the grand finale , the climax of my story, he just stopped.
It’s just man humming, that's not a story you boring humming man.
I started thinking about their condition, their deaf condition. While I would hate to be deaf, mainly because I couldn’t act, but also it would be hard memorizing all those words through your hands. However, I thought, how horrible would be it to be deaf AND have no hands. To have nubs. To be a deaf, nubbin woman. How do you find your sexual being? How do you flirtatiousaly graze another man's arm when he tells a joke that isn't funny and you want to stroke his ego?
The only thing that moves at that moment are your knees and hips. So, hypothetically, you could do a lot of circular movement, both with your hips and your knees. This limiting movement could be wrongly seen as a slutty approach to flirty ( hips, circular motion, etc.). It's just all very complicated when you introduce nubs and no ears into the picture. And, let me just say for the record I don't think flirting is the only thing you want to communicate, I just think it would be hard to date if you are a deaf with nubs.
Ok, but back to story, I still don’t have one, and my whole day has been like that. I have had nothing significant happen. There was build up, like the humming Indian man, and the imaginary deaf and nubs date, but metaphorically speaking there’s been no “ twitching” in my day. Nobody is even talking to themselves on this subway ride.
I’ve decided I’m going to keep a calendar and beside it I’m going to have a yellow pen, to represent lemons ( cause there’s that saying some days are lemonade others are lemon) and on yellow days I’m just going to right sour. And, at the end of the year I’m doing to have a pie chart so I can keep track of days like these. That way each year, I can make the number less.
Moral of the story, there’s a lot of insignificant things that happen in our life’s. And if one was really to write beside each day significant and insignificant, I think you would find that there’s probably more insignificant than significant things that go on.
A lot of times we mislabel, making someone or some event a significant representation of something we simply just want, because we are bored. We are bored with insignificant people and events, so we make things bigger than they are to satisfy our big dream hunger.
Label things correctly. This is a significant person or event that will change my life for better or worst. This is an insignificant person or event, that won’t change me at all.
Boredom is the culprit of all my greatest mistakes.
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